

Riddle Poetry

I am usually in a vivid color
You can find me on any stories
I am very useful when fighting terror
I am heavy, but what is inside me is as light as bubbles
With my bubbles, you shouldn’t be afraid unless you can’t find me
I hope that can unleash my leash and help yourselves.

Who am I?



Single sex school vs. Co-ed school

             Co-ed schools are more beneficial than single sex schools because they reflect our real life. Co-ed schools also advantages the youth by giving them many chances to learn from each other as a different gender. Lastly, co-ed schools may help their students with their future marriage and relationships.

             In co-ed schools, many students are exposed to a real-life society, even though they might have not realized it. In the real life, hardly any societies have a group single-sex-ed people. Societies are made up of males and females, so that they can supplement each other. However, if teenagers are separated into their genders, they may have a problem adapting to a society later on in their life. Nevertheless, co-ed schools make up for this problem by naturally building man-and-woman society. Then, students from these schools eventually learn to work as a group and as a society, which prepares them for the ‘real’ life before hand.

             In addition, co-ed schools also give the students opportunities to learn from each other educationally. Since the co-ed schools have both boys and girls, there is more possibility of better education. Especially in Korea, because its students are so competitive, there needs to be an ideal person or people to be alike. For instance, a boy can look upon a girl who is at the top of the whole school and feel motivated. It is an excuse to say that in co-ed schools, girls or boys get distracted by their opposite sex and do not study. However, the attitude of mind to study is important for one’s sake. Students who do not really want to study have a reasonable possibility that they are not going to study hard in single sex schools. Thus, if students’ consciousness of studying is erect, co-ed schools can help them by giving great look-and-learn environment.

             Lastly, co-ed schools even help their students with their future marriage and relationships. On top of all those benefits that co-ed schools give, they even prime students for relationships. People not only have to have friends of the same sex, but also the opposite sex. When students are in single sex school, possibility that they are going to make friends of the opposite gender is pretty low. However, co-ed schools have both genders for students, so that they can be friends. From learning how to be friends with their opposite gender, they also learn about their opposite sex. Boys learn about what girls like and do not like and vice versa. By so, they will eventually understand what to do when their spouses get mad or sad. As one can see, co-ed schools have both genders so that their students can also learn about their opposite gender.

             Co-ed schools are able to overlap single sex schools in real society, education, and future relationships. Thus, co-ed schools are far more advantageous than single sex schools.


The Silver Outrigger: How the Setting Affects the Plot

             In ‘the Silver Outrigger’, there is this one kind of setting that lifts up the readers’ tension; the weather. In this story, the weather could be separated into three parts. First part is when the storm builds up, then the storm rushes in, and the last part is when the storm is dissolved. As the reader reads trough the story, s/he gets all focused and yet nervous and then BOOM! comes the storm and the climax. Thus, the tension and the weather are parallel to each other.
             The story begins by telling the readers about how Captain Jarvis and Tod invited Mr. Williamson to a feast, but he refused. The weather of the night was humid and hot like the tropics. Jarvis and Tod start to go and visit Williamson in face. When they arrive ashore, they are welcomed by an earthquake. The earthquake is the trigger of the readers’ tension. On top of that, whining of the mosquitoes also pushes up the tension. These settings are on top of the basic setting, the humid and hotness. The sky becomes cloudier and the humidity rises even more, which parallels to the tension of the story. When they finally meet Williamson, he greeted them unpleasantly at first because he was haunted by the silver canoe. Then, he explains all about this canoe with no one on it. The weather is still building up and is very close to giving a huge storm. Jarvis recommends to chase after the canoe after he and other people had seen it with their own eyes. When they start to chase after the canoe, the storm comes right in and the story has reached its climax.
             As one can see, when the plot had reached the climax, the weather, too, had built up till its storm broke out. While the three of them are chasing after the canoe, the readers are constantly stimulated by frequent reminders of how the weather is like at the moment. There is fog, rain, strong winds, harsh waves… etc. This plot is the most active and so is the weather. It seems like when they get closer to the canoe, the weather worsens and tries to keep them apart. However, they manage to get near it.
             Finally, Jarvis, Tod, and Williamson got close enough to see who was in the canoe. When they did, the weather softened and the storm went by. Everything was solved. The weather and the plot’s tension had gone down slightly. However, some tension is left behind so that the story is a bit unfinished.
             ‘The Silver Outrigger’ is a story that uses weather as its biggest setting. So by following the weather patterns, readers can understand the basic plot.



Benefits of School

           Nowadays, most children from all over the world go to school. Even though many students do not want to go to school, the school actually benefits them in many ways. Schools not only educate, but they also make and teach social and implant ones way of thinking.
           Schools educate students about various topics. Mostly, they teach kids about life. Students get to learn dangers, knowledge, and future of life. By learning Social Studies, Science, Ethics, PE(Health), or even Language Art, they learn to live without mistaking like our ancestors. For instance, students can sit under the table during earthquake. This action is one of the basics that schools teach. Schools also teach many different subjects. For example, they learn math that ables them to count numbers, and do the math. These concepts are highly simple yet important when living life. There are times when we need to count perhaps money. Than we know how much a person has or if someone stole ones money.
           Secondly, schools naturally make little society. We humans live in the world that is very far, but also very close. At school, students can experience how it feels like to be part of a society. They learn how to make friends, how to keep friends, how to act in public…… Etc. At home, a child might learn how to be polite, but s/he loses a great opportunity to be part of society. In an environment like school, students eventually feel they need friends in order to keep their reputation or even just to have fun. When a student is left behind, s/he feels like one’s an outcast and gets depressed easily. Thus, most students are able to be social by making friends whether by instinct or conscious.
           Lastly, school implants view of the world to students. One of the best ways to live independently is to have a clear world of ones own. Many young kids are dependent to their parents because they yet don’t have their own clear perspective. At school, they are educated by various subjects like Social Studies and Math. These subjects build fundamental ideas into students. They extend those ideas with their own point of view, just like what they did at school, when they were doing homework and writing down an essay.
           As one can see, many students can benefit from school from various subjects.


Sun Spots

           On the surface of the sun, there are more than 1,000 super-granules that make up photosphere. Mixed among them, there are dark patches called the sun spots. Sun spots are caused by the sun’s magnetic field. This is why they appear darker than the rest. In other words, they are cooler than the granules around them.
           A single granule can be as big as the size of 5 earths! The cycle of a sun spot is within 11 years. Firstly, a part of sun’s surface is empty of it. Then, the sun spot appears and begin to move diagonally (in a single cycle, there are 200 of it). Lastly, the sunspots disappear and the sun is blank again.
           By studying these sun spots, we can learn that the movement of sunspots seems to indicate that the sun is actually spinning like the other planets.