Students per Class
Schools should have few students (10-15) in classes because then students may get better quality of education, they can make good friendship, and this provides more jobs.
Firstly, students can receive greater education. In Korea, for instance, has a lot of students in class. 35-40 students do not get chance to ask great deal of questions to teachers, because if they do, the teacher would be exhausted and get annoyed. Thus, most students do not ask questions even though they are confused. Moreover, most teachers do most of the talking while their students fall asleep. Many students feel like they are okay to doze off because the teacher is too tired to teach 40 students. The students feel sleepy and so does the teachers. However, when a class has fewer students, teachers and students become more intimate and actually converse with each other. Because a teacher gets to meet smaller groups, s/he might naturally know, understand, and handle one’s students. It is very hard to remember 40 names. How hard would it be to even teach them without knowing their names? This causes students to do whatever they want to do in class. This is why a there should be few students in class so that a teacher can handle quite well, and the students can get solve their curiosity.
Secondly, students can build better friendship. Some people might say that in a larger group of people, a person can make friends easily. However, a person can make more friends in smaller groups. In a class of 40 students, s/he might be able to find a friend that shares the same interest. But, that friend might befriend her or him and play with other friends. Because there are more people, it is far much absolute that ‘friend-cycle’ begins and ends faster, living students tired of making any more progress. On the other hand, in smaller groups, people feel more like they bond together. Moreover, the friend-cycles are simpler and last longer, for they know if a friendship breaks, there are far less chance to make another one because there are not much people. Students can benefit a lot from friendship. For instance, they can study as a friend, ask questions, play together and have fun, feel a little competitive, experience social life, and mostly, having friends just makes a school life fun with joy.
Lastly, placing few students per class makes more jobs available. Nowadays, many people are suffering from no-job. Even those people who graduated Seoul National University are not able to get a job despite their great educational background. There just aren’t enough jobs. Schools can solve this problem my providing work for the unemployed. For example, teaching, cleaning, cooking, guarding, playing... etc. Therefore, if more than 500 schools are planning to put fewer students in class, they can hire a lot of people and save Korea’s accession rate.
As one can see, fewer students per class can give students better education, build better friendship, and provide more jobs for unemployed-s.
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