

Early bird gets the wormnot

           In this whole wide world, there are a lot of people who wakes up in different periods of time. Some wake up early when some don’t. There is a quote saying, ‘Early bird gets the worm’. That is that people should wake up early because a day is 24 hours and it will not wait for them. However, there is another quote; ‘the second mouse gets the cheese’, which means that people should not rush foolishly into things. In this outlaws’ world, people should be the second mouse in order to success.
           First of all, efficiency is better than waking up early. Many people get up early, but don’t use that time wisely. Thus, no matter how much time a person gets, the result or the success depends on how he/she uses it. Success is not the amount of time that matters. For bird, it might be a huge success to catch a worm before any-bird else. There are a lot of worms available; it’s just that some birds need to go find it. So, people have a lot of opportunities to grasp their success when they actually use their time. The early bird might not find the worm and procrastinate, which lets the other birds to get it. This applies to humans too. The success belongs to people who used their time wisely no matter how much time they get. There are 24 hours for everyone. Nobody gets less or more. How they use this time makes them into different people. For instance, a baby sleeps more than 15 hours a day and the rest goes to toilet, nursing, or crying. A president has more complicated schedule. S/he goes to a couple of conferences, gets more than a dozen of phone calls… etc. As one can see, different people have different jobs to do. The only difference that distinguishes their identity is how they use their time. As a conclusion, the amount of time doesn’t mean success, its how people efficiently use that time.
           Secondly, getting-up-early may cause social problems. There are several types of people. There are students, business-men, mothers, grandparents, teachers…etc. The first three types are the people who need lots of sleep yet the most exposed target of getting-up-early. They have major social problems of their own because they need to wake up early for several reasons. Students who need to go to school by at least 8:45 wake up at the average of 7a.m, forced by their parents or what so ever. Most of them go to sleep late in the midnight, thanks to the homework they get from academies or schools. Sadly, they will have to focus in class and at home while doing their homework. Eventually, there are a lot of students who fall asleep during classes. Moreover, as one can see, they won’t be able to catch up when this situation continues. This proves that waking up ridiculously early won’t lead to students’ success that much. For business men, they have a boring routine. How boring it would be if they didn’t get enough sleep? They’ll feel drowsy during work time. Even worse, if their manager or boss finds out, they might have a possibility of getting fired. Mothers need to cook, do the dishes, look after their family, pay the bills, or even work! Being a good mother is one of the hardest things to do. However, many of them don’t get enough sleep. What would happen to an exhausted mother when she’s cooking? She may fall asleep and the kitchen might burn down! It is a low rate of possibility but it could happen. These dangerous factors are all caused by waking up early. They should sleep as much as they can, instead of drinking two cups of coffee, since coffee too, is bad for health.
           Lastly, people who live in present needs to think twice. Recently, the crime rate from all over the world is rising. That is, each person’s lives are being threatened more serious than ever. In this chaos-world, people need to be more meticulous. Like the quote ‘the second mouse gets the cheese’, perhaps waiting for a success and getting it at the right time and place is more favorable than foolishly falling for a booby-trap. Most people who get up early feels like they are in a hurry like most Koreans. This concept leads them to ‘rush’. As anyone knows, ‘rushing’ isn’t always good. Many people make mistakes, for example, forgetting a car-key, locking the door, feeding pets…etc. If people just wait and think twice, these incidents could be prevented.
           As a conclusion, there are people who get up early and people who do not. It is not perfectly true that only those who wake up early succeeds, because efficiency overweighs the amount of time, getting-up-early causes social problems, and people nowadays needs to think twice. One might say the world still goes around, but there are a whole lot of people who sleep.

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