

Comparison Essay:
Hydrogen energy, good or bad?

             The reading passage contends that hydrogen energy is an attractive new source. On the other hand, the lecturer brings up several points that contradict this argument.
             The article says that hydrogen can replace fossil fuels because they are the third most abundant element on earth, eco-friendly, and easy to transport and store. We can get hydrogen by splitting water to produce hydrogen with electricity. Thus, because hydrogen is found in water, and earth is mostly covered with water, it is much cheaper alternative energy source. Hydrogen is also very environmentally friendly. The passage tells how the process makes no emission and renewable source could be used to split water, for instance, wind or sun. Hydrogen energy is also easy to transport and store, which was allowed by the new technology, according to the reading. Hydrogen energy could be converted to liquid or gas when being transported and storage alloys are available for storing.
             On the other hand, the lecturer talks about the bads about hydrogen energy, which contradicts the author. The speaker talks about how the cost of hydrogen is higher than gas. He says that one kilogram of hydrogen is higher than gas per gallon. He also argues that the process of splitting water into hydrogen needs a lot of electricity, which proves how hydrogen energy is not eco-friendly. On top of that, renewable sources that the reading provided, weather, can not be controlled by us. The last argument is how hydrogen is not easy to store and transport as it seems to be. Converting hydrogen energy into liquid or gas is not only hard but also volatile and dangerous. Moreover, the alloy is too heavy, which makes the idea of storing hydrogen unfeasible.
             In conclusion, hydrogen energy needs to be improved in order to be used as new source yet.

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