

The Sniper

             The author of ‘The Sniper’, Liam O’Flaherty, shows the unpleasantness of war through the story. Throughout his writing, he builds up this image of how bad a war is. Mostly, the darkness and the tension affect the readers’ notion. The three major things that Liam uses to show his hatred are cigarette and hidings, cruelty, and tragedy.

             The cigarette that the sniper smoked and how he had to hide, perfectly shows how a person has to be extraordinarily careful during wars. It’s very hard to believe how hard it is to live restrained for even an hour. Imagine yourself having to creep under the shadows, not allowed to do anything but wait. The sniper couldn’t even smoke, for then; he would be spotted and get killed instantly. However, he did smoke as he would usually do normally, and got shot! There is no mercy out there in the war. The people have to live with anxiety and fear until they win, or they lose.

             Furthermore, the cruelty of the plot inwardly describes how the author utterly disliked wars. The sniper had to kill an old lady whom he did not know at all, just because she was informing his enemy. Just because she was his enemy, he had to kill her. What difference does it make between this and Holocaust? Germans killed the Jews just because they were Jews. The sniper killed the old lady and the man just because they were his enemy. The war just simply makes human relationships forbidden by telling them which side they are on. The sniper ended up killing his on brother because they were on different sides. Even looking at a dead person makes someone disgusted and dismayed, imagine how dreadful it would be to kill one’s own family? Even though the sniper was cold hearted and was excited to kill his enemy, he was sickened by what he had done. These battles and wars have people on their strings and take control on them, leaving a bloody mess behind them, letting family and friends mourn in pain and horror.

             Lastly, this story is a microcosm of the tragedy of wars. Wars are, as most people know, sad. People have to fight against each other; people lose their belongings, their friends, family… etc. They are broken apart from their merry life. Even in Korea, many people suffered from bombs, deaths, diseases, and every other factor that they were sick of it. Liam expressed the tragedy by showing how the sniper had changed after he killed the last man, his brother. And when he finally saw that the man was his brother, he was shocked.

             Liam O’Flaherty showed how pointless wars are with his ‘symbols’ in the novel. Overall, He used gloomy background and intensive sense to create the tragedy of wars.



Comparison Essay:

             The article states that cancer is a genetic factor. On the other hand, the speaker says that causes relate to cancer.
             The reading passage contends that Japanese men are five times more likely to get stomach cancer than Americans. However, they are five times less likely to get prostate cancer than Americans. Thus, this demonstrates that cancer is hereditary. The reading also tells how Native Americans have the lowest rate of getting a cancer than any other ethnic groups in America. This show how cancer is affected genetically.
             On the other hand, the listening says that cancer depends on its cause. She says that because Japanese men eat a lot of salty fish and pickled food, they are more likely to get cancer. More specifically, Japanese immigrants to America, who ate American food, their rate of getting a stomach cancer decreased. As a conclusion, people get cancers from what they do. Her second argument is that Native Americans consume natural medications that use plants and herbs. They also eat root that attacks cancer cells.
             In conclusion, cancer really depends on its cause rather than genetic factor of humans.



Strawberry Banana Smoothie

my favorite drink ever! XD

no more of off-side-s ...
i'll start right away

5 frozen strawberries
half a banana(about 2.5 inch)(or less)(for it makes the drink ruff :()

how to:
put the strawberries into the mixer.
same with the banana!
pour about a cup(but less) into the mixer.
just a bit of honey(half a teaspoon) sill do..

blend until you can't feel the fruits blending...


enjoy yourselves :)



Students per Class

           Schools should have few students (10-15) in classes because then students may get better quality of education, they can make good friendship, and this provides more jobs.
           Firstly, students can receive greater education. In Korea, for instance, has a lot of students in class. 35-40 students do not get chance to ask great deal of questions to teachers, because if they do, the teacher would be exhausted and get annoyed. Thus, most students do not ask questions even though they are confused. Moreover, most teachers do most of the talking while their students fall asleep. Many students feel like they are okay to doze off because the teacher is too tired to teach 40 students. The students feel sleepy and so does the teachers. However, when a class has fewer students, teachers and students become more intimate and actually converse with each other. Because a teacher gets to meet smaller groups, s/he might naturally know, understand, and handle ones students. It is very hard to remember 40 names. How hard would it be to even teach them without knowing their names? This causes students to do whatever they want to do in class. This is why a there should be few students in class so that a teacher can handle quite well, and the students can get solve their curiosity.
           Secondly, students can build better friendship. Some people might say that in a larger group of people, a person can make friends easily. However, a person can make more friends in smaller groups. In a class of 40 students, s/he might be able to find a friend that shares the same interest. But, that friend might befriend her or him and play with other friends. Because there are more people, it is far much absolute that ‘friend-cycle’ begins and ends faster, living students tired of making any more progress. On the other hand, in smaller groups, people feel more like they bond together. Moreover, the friend-cycles are simpler and last longer, for they know if a friendship breaks, there are far less chance to make another one because there are not much people. Students can benefit a lot from friendship. For instance, they can study as a friend, ask questions, play together and have fun, feel a little competitive, experience social life, and mostly, having friends just makes a school life fun with joy.
           Lastly, placing few students per class makes more jobs available. Nowadays, many people are suffering from no-job. Even those people who graduated Seoul National University are not able to get a job despite their great educational background. There just aren’t enough jobs. Schools can solve this problem my providing work for the unemployed. For example, teaching, cleaning, cooking, guarding, playing... etc. Therefore, if more than 500 schools are planning to put fewer students in class, they can hire a lot of people and save Koreas accession rate.
           As one can see, fewer students per class can give students better education, build better friendship, and provide more jobs for unemployed-s.



Riddle Poetry

I am usually in a vivid color
You can find me on any stories
I am very useful when fighting terror
I am heavy, but what is inside me is as light as bubbles
With my bubbles, you shouldn’t be afraid unless you can’t find me
I hope that can unleash my leash and help yourselves.

Who am I?



Single sex school vs. Co-ed school

             Co-ed schools are more beneficial than single sex schools because they reflect our real life. Co-ed schools also advantages the youth by giving them many chances to learn from each other as a different gender. Lastly, co-ed schools may help their students with their future marriage and relationships.

             In co-ed schools, many students are exposed to a real-life society, even though they might have not realized it. In the real life, hardly any societies have a group single-sex-ed people. Societies are made up of males and females, so that they can supplement each other. However, if teenagers are separated into their genders, they may have a problem adapting to a society later on in their life. Nevertheless, co-ed schools make up for this problem by naturally building man-and-woman society. Then, students from these schools eventually learn to work as a group and as a society, which prepares them for the ‘real’ life before hand.

             In addition, co-ed schools also give the students opportunities to learn from each other educationally. Since the co-ed schools have both boys and girls, there is more possibility of better education. Especially in Korea, because its students are so competitive, there needs to be an ideal person or people to be alike. For instance, a boy can look upon a girl who is at the top of the whole school and feel motivated. It is an excuse to say that in co-ed schools, girls or boys get distracted by their opposite sex and do not study. However, the attitude of mind to study is important for one’s sake. Students who do not really want to study have a reasonable possibility that they are not going to study hard in single sex schools. Thus, if students’ consciousness of studying is erect, co-ed schools can help them by giving great look-and-learn environment.

             Lastly, co-ed schools even help their students with their future marriage and relationships. On top of all those benefits that co-ed schools give, they even prime students for relationships. People not only have to have friends of the same sex, but also the opposite sex. When students are in single sex school, possibility that they are going to make friends of the opposite gender is pretty low. However, co-ed schools have both genders for students, so that they can be friends. From learning how to be friends with their opposite gender, they also learn about their opposite sex. Boys learn about what girls like and do not like and vice versa. By so, they will eventually understand what to do when their spouses get mad or sad. As one can see, co-ed schools have both genders so that their students can also learn about their opposite gender.

             Co-ed schools are able to overlap single sex schools in real society, education, and future relationships. Thus, co-ed schools are far more advantageous than single sex schools.


The Silver Outrigger: How the Setting Affects the Plot

             In ‘the Silver Outrigger’, there is this one kind of setting that lifts up the readers’ tension; the weather. In this story, the weather could be separated into three parts. First part is when the storm builds up, then the storm rushes in, and the last part is when the storm is dissolved. As the reader reads trough the story, s/he gets all focused and yet nervous and then BOOM! comes the storm and the climax. Thus, the tension and the weather are parallel to each other.
             The story begins by telling the readers about how Captain Jarvis and Tod invited Mr. Williamson to a feast, but he refused. The weather of the night was humid and hot like the tropics. Jarvis and Tod start to go and visit Williamson in face. When they arrive ashore, they are welcomed by an earthquake. The earthquake is the trigger of the readers’ tension. On top of that, whining of the mosquitoes also pushes up the tension. These settings are on top of the basic setting, the humid and hotness. The sky becomes cloudier and the humidity rises even more, which parallels to the tension of the story. When they finally meet Williamson, he greeted them unpleasantly at first because he was haunted by the silver canoe. Then, he explains all about this canoe with no one on it. The weather is still building up and is very close to giving a huge storm. Jarvis recommends to chase after the canoe after he and other people had seen it with their own eyes. When they start to chase after the canoe, the storm comes right in and the story has reached its climax.
             As one can see, when the plot had reached the climax, the weather, too, had built up till its storm broke out. While the three of them are chasing after the canoe, the readers are constantly stimulated by frequent reminders of how the weather is like at the moment. There is fog, rain, strong winds, harsh waves… etc. This plot is the most active and so is the weather. It seems like when they get closer to the canoe, the weather worsens and tries to keep them apart. However, they manage to get near it.
             Finally, Jarvis, Tod, and Williamson got close enough to see who was in the canoe. When they did, the weather softened and the storm went by. Everything was solved. The weather and the plot’s tension had gone down slightly. However, some tension is left behind so that the story is a bit unfinished.
             ‘The Silver Outrigger’ is a story that uses weather as its biggest setting. So by following the weather patterns, readers can understand the basic plot.



Benefits of School

           Nowadays, most children from all over the world go to school. Even though many students do not want to go to school, the school actually benefits them in many ways. Schools not only educate, but they also make and teach social and implant ones way of thinking.
           Schools educate students about various topics. Mostly, they teach kids about life. Students get to learn dangers, knowledge, and future of life. By learning Social Studies, Science, Ethics, PE(Health), or even Language Art, they learn to live without mistaking like our ancestors. For instance, students can sit under the table during earthquake. This action is one of the basics that schools teach. Schools also teach many different subjects. For example, they learn math that ables them to count numbers, and do the math. These concepts are highly simple yet important when living life. There are times when we need to count perhaps money. Than we know how much a person has or if someone stole ones money.
           Secondly, schools naturally make little society. We humans live in the world that is very far, but also very close. At school, students can experience how it feels like to be part of a society. They learn how to make friends, how to keep friends, how to act in public…… Etc. At home, a child might learn how to be polite, but s/he loses a great opportunity to be part of society. In an environment like school, students eventually feel they need friends in order to keep their reputation or even just to have fun. When a student is left behind, s/he feels like one’s an outcast and gets depressed easily. Thus, most students are able to be social by making friends whether by instinct or conscious.
           Lastly, school implants view of the world to students. One of the best ways to live independently is to have a clear world of ones own. Many young kids are dependent to their parents because they yet don’t have their own clear perspective. At school, they are educated by various subjects like Social Studies and Math. These subjects build fundamental ideas into students. They extend those ideas with their own point of view, just like what they did at school, when they were doing homework and writing down an essay.
           As one can see, many students can benefit from school from various subjects.


Sun Spots

           On the surface of the sun, there are more than 1,000 super-granules that make up photosphere. Mixed among them, there are dark patches called the sun spots. Sun spots are caused by the sun’s magnetic field. This is why they appear darker than the rest. In other words, they are cooler than the granules around them.
           A single granule can be as big as the size of 5 earths! The cycle of a sun spot is within 11 years. Firstly, a part of sun’s surface is empty of it. Then, the sun spot appears and begin to move diagonally (in a single cycle, there are 200 of it). Lastly, the sunspots disappear and the sun is blank again.
           By studying these sun spots, we can learn that the movement of sunspots seems to indicate that the sun is actually spinning like the other planets.



Comparison Essay:

             The reading passage contends how franchising is beneficial for new owners. On the other hand, the speaker talks about the disadvantages of franchising.
             The article makes three advantages of franchising. They are reliable products, saves money on advertising, and business security. Because merchandise have tried and tested their products, owners are assured by the high quality and popularity. For instance, McDonald’s owners know what to sell and invest in and public already like the shop and the products by its name, McDonald’s. The reading also says about how new owners save money on advertising. They don’t have to spend time nor resources for selling their products. There already is national marketing campaigns and solid trading name. For example, KFC owners don’t worry about promoting unknown products. They don’t have to flyer neighborhoods, vie out examples, or pay expensive advertisements! The last benefit that the passage gives out is business security. There is low rate of failure because franchisor helps the owner. On top of that, owners continually get assistance and training program.
             However the speaker talks about how franchise is actually disadvantageous. She brings up three points as well. They are no control, frustration, and unprofitable enterprise. According to some surveys, she says, many owners do not have control. They don’t have freedom for selling products. They are forced. They also do not have control in their work, even though they are boss. Franchisors decide what products to be sold and services, which directly affects marketing and income of the franchise. Second disadvantage is the frustration the owners get. She talks about how 6% of income is used for advertising the main store, which is basically just promoting themselves. Despite these investments, the main stores do not payback. This disagrees to national marketing schemes. Owners have better ideas for local promotions. However, they get frustrated by the control of franchisors. The last draw back that the speaker makes is the whole enterprise is unprofitable after all. Owners have to pay for advertisements and the use of the system. This costs more than what the franchisors return. Because many owners spend less than gaining, some say they will start individual business. These points go against what the passage says about how franchising is reliable on product, money, and security.
             As a conclusion, franchising is not really a smart choice for a new boss-wanna-be.




           Have you ever seen dew closely? It has a round top and its base firmly stuck to the bottom. This is cause by self-assembly. Self-assembly applies to our cells too. In one cell, 100 billion molecules can fit inside it. Cells make their own unique structure. Bucky tube (nano tube/Buckminster fullerene), is assembly of 60 carbon molecules. When the assembly is done, it first looks like a soccer ball. It also looks like architecture, made by Buckminster fuller, the American architect. That is why nano tubes are also known as Buckminster fullerene or Bucky tube. When this Bucky tube is stretched into a tube, you call it a nano tube. How easy is that?
           Nano tube is the 3rd-carbon-molecule-ever-found. The first one is diamond and the second one is black lead of a pencil. Bucky ball was found in 1985 by Professor Richard Smalley from Princeton University. He got a Noble Prize for it. Bucky tube was found in 1991 by a Japanese material scientist. It was found in sooty blotch by an electron microscope.
           There are a lot of facts about Bucky tube that are amazing and advantageous. To name few, Bucky tube is one nanometer. That is, 1 over 1,000,000,000 meter. So if you compare a piece of your hair and a Bucky tube, the nano tube is 100,000 times smaller than the hair. However, if the nano tube was combined and used as a rope, the tensile force is 100 times bigger than iron. Bucky tube can also transport electricity faster than copper and heats up faster than a diamond. If 10 Bucky tubes are combined as a rope, it can control electronic current like semiconductor, which means that it can replace silicon! Bucky tube can minimize electron gun of a screen of PC or TV. Famous home appliances companies are being competitive in selling flat screen TV, using nano tube.
           However, the best part didn’t come yet. It is the outer-space elevator. The outer-space elevator was first introduced to the public in 1930, by a Russian engineer. Unfortunately, he couldn’t really capture anyone’s interest. It actually got interest from the public by the number one sci-fi author, Arthur C. Clarke. He wrote a book called ‘The Fountains of Paradise’ in 1979. It talks about space elevators about how 30,005,800km above the earth and we can place a satellite and connect it to the earth and space elevator it is. NASA has been giving out papers and papers about how it is possible. Nevertheless, there are many shout outs about how this whole idea is impossible. For instance, we will need some kind of substance that is 30 times stronger than iron. NASA did say that there is the nano tube that is more than 60 times stronger, but this is not the only problem. Speed of elevator might burst the eardrums out and harsh climates are something that we just cannot control.
           I believe that just a bit of more work on nano tubes will allow us to step further into the better world.



Comparison Essay:
Hydrogen energy, good or bad?

             The reading passage contends that hydrogen energy is an attractive new source. On the other hand, the lecturer brings up several points that contradict this argument.
             The article says that hydrogen can replace fossil fuels because they are the third most abundant element on earth, eco-friendly, and easy to transport and store. We can get hydrogen by splitting water to produce hydrogen with electricity. Thus, because hydrogen is found in water, and earth is mostly covered with water, it is much cheaper alternative energy source. Hydrogen is also very environmentally friendly. The passage tells how the process makes no emission and renewable source could be used to split water, for instance, wind or sun. Hydrogen energy is also easy to transport and store, which was allowed by the new technology, according to the reading. Hydrogen energy could be converted to liquid or gas when being transported and storage alloys are available for storing.
             On the other hand, the lecturer talks about the bads about hydrogen energy, which contradicts the author. The speaker talks about how the cost of hydrogen is higher than gas. He says that one kilogram of hydrogen is higher than gas per gallon. He also argues that the process of splitting water into hydrogen needs a lot of electricity, which proves how hydrogen energy is not eco-friendly. On top of that, renewable sources that the reading provided, weather, can not be controlled by us. The last argument is how hydrogen is not easy to store and transport as it seems to be. Converting hydrogen energy into liquid or gas is not only hard but also volatile and dangerous. Moreover, the alloy is too heavy, which makes the idea of storing hydrogen unfeasible.
             In conclusion, hydrogen energy needs to be improved in order to be used as new source yet.


Taking over family business:

           I think taking over family business is a rightful decision to make when the present CEO will retire, whether it is small business like selling ice creams, or a big business like Samsung. Who gives or either receives the business, which is a parent giving their offspring their job, will feel very grateful and relieved to one and another and it’s the best for CEO when he or she wants to retire peacefully without spending money.
         First of all, the son or a daughter will know the best of their mom or dad’s job because he or she knows that one will take over the business and their parent always talks about it. When the CEO’s offspring is working, there is more chance for them to know it’s work and more likely to be the next CEO. It might be hard when he or she got handed down the business at first, but with the previous CEO’s help, there will be no problem in handling the business.
         Secondly, the giver and receiver both mentally feel nice. The parent will feel very safe, and personally great for themselves, to their son or daughter because the parent will think they can actually give over their business to their own trustworthy child than to some strangers at work. Whether it is successful business or not, they’ll also feel proud to give their own business to their child because it was the business that they were working at for at least 20 years of their life, and they’ll feel inspired that their child will work along the business which the parent were working. Not only the parent will feel great, the child who will now own the business will feel relieved that they got a job. All the better, he or she is a CEO of that job. So the parent and the child will get benefits from family business.
         Lastly, it’s more financial and efficient in time. If the offspring of the CEO doesn’t take over the business, there has to be a public recruit to choose the next CEO. In order to do public recruit, it needs to have advertisements, tests, meetings… et cetera. So as to do the public employment, it needs lots of time and money. For advertisements and tests, you need paper and ink. Making time for this whole thing might take for about 2 weeks, doing this thing will take for about a month. But hiring one of your own family members doesn’t cost money or that much time.
         Overall, taking over family business is a controversy topic when it’s time for employment time.



Going Solo
By Roald Dahl

                         This book begins with a description of a ship that carried Roald from England to Africa. Her name was the SS Mantola. She was an old paint-peeling tube of 9,000 tons with a single tall funnel and a vibrating engine. As one can see, she was quiet old. On the way of 2 weeks journey to Mombasa, she went to six other places. Roald mentions about how nowadays, we can fly to Mombasa within a few hours but not getting to sight-see anymore. I wish I would have an opportunity to take a ship to Mombasa and fascinate by their amazing nature.
             On the ship-ride to Mombasa, Roald shared his cabin with a manager of a cotton mill. Near his bed, there was a port hole on a wall, which abled Roald to look through and see the other side of the wall. One day, Roald was lying on his bunk. He suddenly saw a figure of a naked man working by! Roald at first thought that he had seen a phantom of a naked ghost, but he didn’t. He had actually seen a naked man! The man, Roald realized, was Major Griffiths, a man who had told him only the night before at the dinner table how he had spent thirty-six years in India and was returning once again to Allahabad after the usual home leave. Roald had also spotted another naked figure standing beside him. It was his wife. Goodness, moreover, major called him to join their ‘walk’! The next morning, the major called on Roald during breakfast in front of everybody, ‘You were getting an eyeful of the memsahib, that’s what you were doing!’ If I was Roald, I would’ve punched the major in his nose to make him be quiet. How embarrassing yet funny this part was! Roald later says that there were only dotty people on the ship and he was becoming to be one, too.
           Another part that comes to me is when Roald met the lion, Simba. The story is all about how Simba caught a chef’s wife and how Roald, the chef and the other villagers went to the wild to catch Simba and rescue the wife. I wasn’t supposed to laugh but I couldn’t help it.
           Despite these amazing events that happened in Africa, Roald was sent to the World War air force. With only 6 months of training, he and his pal, David Coke, fights the enemies and somehow survives. Even though Roald doesn’t actually get into his emotions through the book, I could feel through my bone that he and David went through a lot. There is this particular event when Roald stuck in a dessert upside down and got almost blind! Even though he wrote about this fairly… interesting, it wouldn’t have for Roald, actually.
           Throughout, anybody who read this book could tell that it was Roald’s. Even though he’s handling a hard subject, a war, it’s very exciting and thrilling. If I didn’t mention this, in this book, there are a lot of pictures that Roald had taken during those days and in each chapter, there are at least one letter written to his mom. From those pictures and letters, you can feel love to family from Roald. As everyone knows, family is important.



Comparison Essay:
The early bird gets the worm

           There is a saying that everyone knows; the early bird gets the worm. It means that people who wake up early succeed. However, it’s still up for debate whether early birds will benefit. There surely are benefits and disadvantages when getting up at dawn. Early birds do get morning hours for constructive purposes. On the other hand, recent studies have shown that getting up early causes health issues and it depends on one’s gene.
             Early birds are productive in two ways. Early birds use their time for constructive purposes. Subtracting the time people spend by working and taking care of other needs, for instance, sleeping, eating, from 24 hours, equals to ‘little’ time. This problem can be solved by just waking up two hours before one’s usual get-up-time. If a person wakes up two hours earlier, s/he can save 730 waking hours per year. This 730 hours could be used for self improvement or simply improvement of the quality of life. Early birds also get quiet morning hours for themselves. They get fewer distractions from their babies, noise, car engine… etc. They can relax and work in peace with certain concentration.
             However, waking up early isn’t as good as it seems to be, according to recent studies. Studies have shown that waking up early may cause health problems. If a person doesn’t get certain hours of sleep, one might get sick because one’s body won’t cope. Not only that, even if people wake up early, they would have to sleep early, which leaves to not gaining extra time after all. Recent studies have also shown that some people just don’t work well in the mornings, because it’s all in our genes. Each and every person has their own natural rhythm. We have to follow it instead of violating it. Those of who did violated their natural rhythm found out that they got groggy and body dysfunction till the rest of the day and didn’t actually get anything done. This concludes to how waking up early doesn’t necessarily make people succeed.
             As one can see, early birds might and might not succeed. It’s all in their genes. Some people are early birds when the others are night owls.



Life Cycle of a Star

           Stars are alike humans in the life cycle. They are born, alive, and die.
Stars are made by gas and dust from all over the space. When they gather, pressure and temperature rises, which creates nucleus reaction, which also creates light. Now, you’re able to see a twinkling star in the night sky.
           A young star makes their light out of hydrogen for long good periods of time. An old star however, doesn’t have enough hydrogen as fuel, so it eventually goes big and becomes red. This is so called a red giant star.
           Each red giant star has different ways of taking ‘death’. A red giant star as big as the sun, leaves planetary nebula and white dwarf in silence. But some humongous stars die dramatically with a loud explosion. Other stars that are five times smaller than the sun, burst and become supernovas, and then become neutron stars. But those of which are five times bigger than the sun takes the first same process till becoming supernovas, but some of them become a black hole.
           Black holes have far too mare quantity than their size, so they suck in basically everything that’s near. Therefore even a light can’t escape. Matters that are scattered all over the outer space from explosion, are being reused for materials for making a new star


Early bird gets the wormnot

           In this whole wide world, there are a lot of people who wakes up in different periods of time. Some wake up early when some don’t. There is a quote saying, ‘Early bird gets the worm’. That is that people should wake up early because a day is 24 hours and it will not wait for them. However, there is another quote; ‘the second mouse gets the cheese’, which means that people should not rush foolishly into things. In this outlaws’ world, people should be the second mouse in order to success.
           First of all, efficiency is better than waking up early. Many people get up early, but don’t use that time wisely. Thus, no matter how much time a person gets, the result or the success depends on how he/she uses it. Success is not the amount of time that matters. For bird, it might be a huge success to catch a worm before any-bird else. There are a lot of worms available; it’s just that some birds need to go find it. So, people have a lot of opportunities to grasp their success when they actually use their time. The early bird might not find the worm and procrastinate, which lets the other birds to get it. This applies to humans too. The success belongs to people who used their time wisely no matter how much time they get. There are 24 hours for everyone. Nobody gets less or more. How they use this time makes them into different people. For instance, a baby sleeps more than 15 hours a day and the rest goes to toilet, nursing, or crying. A president has more complicated schedule. S/he goes to a couple of conferences, gets more than a dozen of phone calls… etc. As one can see, different people have different jobs to do. The only difference that distinguishes their identity is how they use their time. As a conclusion, the amount of time doesn’t mean success, its how people efficiently use that time.
           Secondly, getting-up-early may cause social problems. There are several types of people. There are students, business-men, mothers, grandparents, teachers…etc. The first three types are the people who need lots of sleep yet the most exposed target of getting-up-early. They have major social problems of their own because they need to wake up early for several reasons. Students who need to go to school by at least 8:45 wake up at the average of 7a.m, forced by their parents or what so ever. Most of them go to sleep late in the midnight, thanks to the homework they get from academies or schools. Sadly, they will have to focus in class and at home while doing their homework. Eventually, there are a lot of students who fall asleep during classes. Moreover, as one can see, they won’t be able to catch up when this situation continues. This proves that waking up ridiculously early won’t lead to students’ success that much. For business men, they have a boring routine. How boring it would be if they didn’t get enough sleep? They’ll feel drowsy during work time. Even worse, if their manager or boss finds out, they might have a possibility of getting fired. Mothers need to cook, do the dishes, look after their family, pay the bills, or even work! Being a good mother is one of the hardest things to do. However, many of them don’t get enough sleep. What would happen to an exhausted mother when she’s cooking? She may fall asleep and the kitchen might burn down! It is a low rate of possibility but it could happen. These dangerous factors are all caused by waking up early. They should sleep as much as they can, instead of drinking two cups of coffee, since coffee too, is bad for health.
           Lastly, people who live in present needs to think twice. Recently, the crime rate from all over the world is rising. That is, each person’s lives are being threatened more serious than ever. In this chaos-world, people need to be more meticulous. Like the quote ‘the second mouse gets the cheese’, perhaps waiting for a success and getting it at the right time and place is more favorable than foolishly falling for a booby-trap. Most people who get up early feels like they are in a hurry like most Koreans. This concept leads them to ‘rush’. As anyone knows, ‘rushing’ isn’t always good. Many people make mistakes, for example, forgetting a car-key, locking the door, feeding pets…etc. If people just wait and think twice, these incidents could be prevented.
           As a conclusion, there are people who get up early and people who do not. It is not perfectly true that only those who wake up early succeeds, because efficiency overweighs the amount of time, getting-up-early causes social problems, and people nowadays needs to think twice. One might say the world still goes around, but there are a whole lot of people who sleep.



AC vs. DC

Alternating Current

There are two major electronic currents used by people. They are called AC, alternating current, and DC, direct current. AC is the movement of electric charge periodically reverses direction. DC is the flow of electric charge is only in one direction. AC is very useful when kinetic energy needs to be transformed into electricity. It also ables electricity to be extended. For instance, a socket that you can see in any rooms is kind of like AC. DC, however, is used when chemical energy is transformed into electric energy. You can imagine of batteries or fuel cell, which are portable. Nikola Tesla invented AC, and DC was invented by Thomas Alva Edison. In the old days, the US was considering whether or not they should use DC. They had a huge debate about it and after all, AC won. So USA used AC as a whole.

             AC is usually provided in buildings. In Korea, they use 60Hz, which means in a second, current changes 60 times. If you see AC on a graph, the graph should show a wavy line.

<DC, on the other hand, shows a straight line on a graph>

             In the old days, as I said before, used AC. But nowadays, we use both AC and DC, because the technology of handling electricity has improved enough to find a way to convert AC to DC or DC to AC, by placing ‘diode’. However, this process wastes a lot of energy. Fill the heat from back of a computer or a TV? That is the wasted energy during the process. There are a lot of home appliances that are semi conductive. These semi-conductive machines mostly use DC power. That means that AC power that goes into the machines need to be changed into DC in order to get the machines going. That process, as I stated, wastes a ton of energy. Some people nowadays use solar energy, thinking they are saving energy. Despite all those effort people put into installing and actually using the solar panel, they still are wasting energy. Solar panels just basically store the electricity they gained by solar energy into a huge ‘battery’, which equals to DC. This again leads to the same energy-wasting-process. As a conclusion, people are just wasting a lot of energy whether it is AC or DC. We, as a whole, need to find smarter way of using Ac or DC, and fast.



I'm at home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll all miss you guys... ;(

Love you, Fishie, Inca, Izod, Llama, Rusty, Rocky Mountain Deer, 새롬 PA, Soda Bear, Wayne and other PAs and Teachers(excluding ANY boys)......

Let's meet after 2 years at KMLA opening ceremony!! <3<3


Love Line in GLPS
ps: It's not about Llama nor Agent Orange... 

Just a few rules when in GLPS.
 1.) EOP
 2.) Noodles are prohibited
 3.) No swearing
and lastly...

Duh... I thought.
Who on earth is going to date with these super ugly guys?
It's unnecessary  to even put it down in the student hand book!!
I slammed the book and threw it aside where my other books are.

Our room is shared by 3 girls.
One of them is Olivia, another is Jessie, and my name is Anny.
Olivia totally looks like one of the celebrities.
Jessie looks like a cat and has great celebrity talent.
On the other hand, I am irrelevant to celebrities at any conditions.
I lack beauty(duh), singing and dance talents, and body line.. 
I'll stop mentioning about.. my dark side. :P
Well... at least I'm not fat.

Anyways, Jessie is who I'm going to talk about.
Jessie is like a goddess.
She has white skin, flexible(?) hair, average height, slim body, and cute eyes.
On top of that, she is an amazing singer and dancer.
It wouldn't be any harm if she became an idol right now!

As you might've expected, she gets like a ton of attention from these...boys.
Don't you start of thinking about Justin-Bieber-Like or Song-Joongi-Like boys...
I'm talkin' about UGLY boys.
Our room mates can't deny the fact that there are zero-cute-guys in this camp.
It might be because our expectations of our future boy friend is too high, but still.
There aren't.

So let's talk this straight.
There are top 2 guys who are in crash with Jessie.
One of them is Pig-Cholera, and the other one is called Lee Mann-ki, the 'ssrim(씨름)  player'.
Pig-cholera is the least-human-being-looking-person I've ever met.
He has pimples all over his humongous face
He's body is compacted with fat and he even dyed his hair dirty yellow!

Lee Mann-ki is the shorter one.
There's nothing much too talk about him...YET.

One day, Pig-Cholera asked Mann-ki to get Jessie's phone number, not knowing that Mann-ki, too, liked Jessie.
Of course, Jessie and other roomates clearly refused to give her phone number to him.
At that time, we all thought that only pig liked Jessie.
However, it wasn't true.

Mann-ki, who also likes Jessie, tried to get Jessie's phone number, saying that he was asked to. But he was going to keep it for himself.
Thanks to me(ha), we strongly resisted to share Jessie's phone num.
I gave him looks and few.. words with him.
He looked angry and upset.
I felt really sorry when I went back to my room, until the day after that day.

Mann-ki somehow found out Jessie's phone number and kept calling her!!!
He tried to sound like different person every time he calls,
but he made a major problem.
His voice tone and sound were same!!
But unfortunately, he himself didn't know :P

To tell you guys the conclusion,
Jessie kicked his hieny(aka=butt) right to him trough the phone.

Mann-ki went to find his new.... girlfriend.