

Wellcome to my-first-blog-ever-made-in-GLPS.
I will be posting essays or something for you to check out.
I hope you'll enjoy my blog. :)

okay, this is what I was told to do, so I gotta do it.

I gotta admit that GLPS is a pretty good camp to develop English skills,,, especially debating skills.
Everything is perfect except the extreme coldness and the hunger.
Two most dreadful disasters EVER.
But so far, it's pretty enjoyable.
(will be continued later....)


Mr. Garrioch said...

Cool blog Anny. The Andy Warhol art of Marilyn Monroe is hip and modern. As for this blog, remember that writing is intended to be read - and not just by a teacher for grades. Writing is for the purpose of communication, and a blog is a great place to showcase your excellent writing skills. Right? Right. ;) - Mr. Garrioch

Anny :) said...

okay... I'll try to keep the formal writing :)