Writing Chain: "Success is" by Class 25
Before going in to my Writing Chain, I first want to briefly talk about how I like it. So, I started off the essay by talking about how success is different to everyone. The 'writers' did a great job following the topic I came up with so I was very happy. It kind of made sense but not 100%.(Nobody's perfect and I know that :P) I also liked how my essay turned out, especially the conclusion. It was very neat and tidy. The essay didn't really change, but the 3rd writer, who talked about how money is like the only success that human can make, didn't really satisfy me. If I had chance to do it differently, I would've talked about different kinds of succeed in many perspectives. Despite the critics from my evil side, the essay actually turned out quiet well. I hope you could enjoy it too. :D
Success is anything people think it is. Everybody's view of success is different. For instance, terrorists' success might be taking over the whole government of USA, a dog's success might be getting a ot of bones buried under the dirt, or maybe a student's success might be getting A in every subject.
Well, there is a common way to get success. First, it's an effort. If you pay efort on something, nothing might be impossible. For example, in my friend's case, he wanted 90 or more in average on the final exam. I've seen him studying hard very often, and he got what he wanted.
Secondly, success can be reaching your destination, your goal. I want to talk about money. Money is one of the main symbols of the success. The etymology of the word 'success' came from the Latin word 'sucioutixourious', which means 'full of gold'! So basically success is related with money. Look at Bill Gates. We call him 'successor' because he has millons of dollars. Money is one of the most imprtant things in the world.
Lastly, do anything to succeed. But before going to my last tip I want to revise some things that I wrote before. Actually, success is not limited to one side. Thus, we can never say money is the only factor of success. I believe success is more about satisfaction and happiness. Did you actually know that happiness of developing countires are much bigger than those in develped countries? This shows that there are much more important things than money and fame, and it might as well be different to everyone. Okay, going back to achiving success, we should make full effort and do our best for everything. Chasing for succeed is like trying to achieve your goal. It is important to chase for your goal, but if you hurt someone during the process, you should think twice about your desire. If you are chasing for everyone's happiness and your's, that's perfect.
Your success is up to you. How to get it is a mystery. You have to solve on your own. Of course there are people by your side who can help you. Ask them for help, help yourself. It's okay to make mistakes. Wake up and start chasing your goal right now. Good luck!
Well, did you like it? I surely did :) I think there are some desent writers in our class... no joking. Seriously. I, too, want to be a good writer someday like one of them. Well, as the last writer said, wake up and start chasin' your goal right now! Good luck.
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